
Onda: Data Portraits for Period Health January-May 2018 Onda is a body-literacy toolkit that allows menstruating teenagers to chart and discover the patterns of their cycles by combining tactile and digital components. Visit ITP Thesis Archive Product Menstrual calendar kit Audience Menstruating teenagers NYU-ITP course Thesis CHALLENGE Design a toolkit to help teenagers discover and […]
Cova’s Closet

Cova’s Closet November–December 2016 A toy to teach kids combinatorics, showing them different outcomes depending on their choices Visit ITP blog post Product Educational toy Audience Kids ages 5–7 NYU-ITP Courses Physical Computing (PComp) and Introduction to Computational Media (ICM) CHALLENGE Ideate and produce a toy with both a physical and digital interface to teach […]
Que Has Hecho Alcalde

¿Qué has hecho, Alcalde? July 2016 An online platform (QHHA, What have you achieved so far, Mayor?) to track and visualize the progress of campaign promises made by two mayors of the Guadalajara Metropolitan Area (Mexico) Visit Site Product Graphics and interface prototype for a digital accountability tool Audience Civically engaged citizens of the Guadalajara Metropolitan […]
Us and Time

Odd Catrina

Odd Catrina March 2013–Present A Spanish-language online publication for robust, thought-provoking content addressing issues from gender to fashion Visit Site Product Online magazine Audience Hispanophone women aged 18–30 Team CHALLENGE Launch an online culture and lifestyle hub covering women’s issues in Latin America to change its pervasive machista culture, one thought-provoking article at a time Role Conceptual/editorial development, […]