Ciudadano Metropolitano
Ciudadano Metropolitano September 2015 Ciudadano Metropolitano (Metropolitan Citizen) is an animated short portraying the lives of two average citizens of Guadalajara Visit Site Product Stop-Motion Animation Audience Academics, policymakers, and the general public interested in quality-of-life research in Guadalajara, Mexico Team CHALLENGE Create a broad-audience piece of content to showcase the average Guadalajara citizen as […]
Cova’s Closet
Cova’s Closet November–December 2016 A toy to teach kids combinatorics, showing them different outcomes depending on their choices Visit ITP blog post Product Educational toy Audience Kids ages 5–7 NYU-ITP Courses Physical Computing (PComp) and Introduction to Computational Media (ICM) CHALLENGE Ideate and produce a toy with both a physical and digital interface to teach […]