IMEC Manuals Vol. 1 & 2

Editorial design, branding & clay modelling

april & august 2016

Mexican behavioural economics (BE) think tank IMEC commissioned me to develop the editorial design of the first two of a series of compendiums where they translate papers originally written in English on BE and also incorporate some new articles on the subject. These books were designed in Interactive PDF format and can be navigated through links. 

Branding assets

Above are some of of the brand assets delivered to the client as a booklet

Volume 1

Economía del Comportamiento y Políticas Públicas

Behavioral Economics & Public Policy

Shared credit: photographs for the covers by Alejandra Villaseñor Urrea


Both volumes have internal (and also external) links throughout the whole document. Most pages have buttons that lead you to the index, a glossary of behavioural economics terms and the beginning of the section that that page belongs to. 

Volume 2

Comportamiento del Consumidor

Consumer Behavior

Below is a selection of pages inside the manual:

Clay models

For the second volume I also sculpted and photographed the characters for the covers.